Pancreatic cancer treatment

Pancreatic cancer is a major causative factor of mortality associated with cancer in India. It begins with the abnormal growth of cells of the pancreas forming a lump of the cells known as a tumor. The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system which is located in the abdominal cavity and has two main functions: production of digestive enzymes and hormones that control blood sugar level. The enzymes are produced from the exocrine glands that aid in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The hormone insulin is produced from the islets of Langerhans region, which is the endocrine gland that plays a significant role in the absorption of sugar. The insufficient secretion of this hormone results in diabetes.

Pancreatic tumors can be divided into two types:
Exocrine tumor: Tumour occurs in the exocrine parts of the pancreas. 95% of pancreatic cancers are exocrine which may be either malignant or benign. These cancers begin in ducts of the pancreatic gland and start spreading in a stagewise manner.
Endocrine tumor: Tumour occurs in the endocrine parts of the pancreas in the islets of Langerhans from where the insulin is produced. These are islet-cell tumors. Most of the tumors are benign and remain as non-functioning tumors but are more likely to be malignant.

Causes of pancreatic cancer:

Genetic Factors
The genes that are collectively contributing to cause pancreatic cancer can run in families. Any changes or damages in the genes that control cell division leads to the development of tumors. Exposure to certain toxic substances such as tobacco, cigar smoke might cause changes in the genetic makeup of an individual.

Cigarette Smoking
The cigarette has large amounts of nicotine content which is a powerful carcinogenic. The carcinogenic can activate the inert genes responsible for causing uncontrolled cell division thus leading to the growth of accumulated cell mass called tumors. Those who get exposed to such smoke may also have a risk of developing this cancer.

A person’s age is an important risk factor developing any type of cancer and the fact is true for pancreatic cancer. If you are at the age of 60, it is better to undergo screening of this cancer.

The sedentary lifestyle habits of being overweight and lack of adequate physical activity can increase the risk of cancer.

Chronic Pancreatitis
This is a long term inflammatory disease of the pancreas leads to the breakdown in structure malfunctioning of the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is becoming more common in patients who have chronic pancreatitis.

Signs and Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer :

Though initial signs of this cancer are not felt during early stages there will be an experience of mild episodes of pain in the abdomen which may not be serious. However, as the disease progresses, the episodes of pain become more frequent and intense that many suffer from constant pain. The disease is often known as a silent killer that symptoms are not clearly seen until the later stage. Common symptoms include:
  • Weight loss
  • Jaundice
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Gall bladder enlargement
  • Diabetes
  • Fluid and blood clots in the abdomen which are the symptoms of advanced pancreatic cancer.


    Treatment of pancreatic cancer with Best oncologist in India, Dr Rudra Acharya includes

    Surgery This method removes or excises off all or a part of the pancreas. If the cancer is localized in an area during the initial stage, it is possible to eradicate cancer cells. But if the cells have spread, it becomes difficult. The three main surgical procedures are Whipple procedure, total pancreatectomy, and distal pancreatectomy.

    Radiotherapy: This method acts on cancer locally by focussing high energy rays on cancer cells. It works by shrinking the tumor and destroying the cancer cells.

    Chemotherapy: Act on all the cancer cells in the body by interfering with the cell division process that causes rapid multiplication of cancer cells. The treatment occurs in specific cycles tailored by your oncologist such that there is time for your body to heal between successive doses.

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