Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Soft tissue sarcomas are very rare and uncommon malignant tumours. Soft tissue sarcoma is a type of cancer that starts in soft tissues like fat, muscle, blood vessels, fibrous tissues, nerves and deep skin tissues. Soft tissue sarcoma can find anywhere in the body. These sarcomas are slightly predominant in the male.

Risk factors

Chemical exposure such as exposure of phenoxy acetic acids, chlorophenols (sawmill workers), vinyl chloride (used in making plastics and as a refrigerant), and arsenic exposure, Previous exposure of alkylating chemotherapeutic agents, previous history of trauma are the most common risk factors for soft tissue sarcoma.

Signs & Symptoms:

  • Clinical features of the disease cannot clearly define. However here are some clinical features, that a soft tissue lump exhibit:
  • Increase in the size of tissue (size > 5 cm)
  • Deep fascia
  • Painful
  • Treatment

    Combination of conservative surgery and postoperative radiotherapy is the standard treatment of limb and truncal tumours. Surgery should be performed by the trained surgeon. Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) is another beneficial pre-operative technique for reducing the size of a tumour.

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