Back pain and colon cancer: Symptoms and treatment

colorectal cancer symptoms

Are you suffering from severe back pain that is non-responsive to pain killers? It might be due to an underlying disease. Lower back pain is a common sign or symptom of cancer. Colorectal cancer, which is also known as colon cancer or bowel cancer, affects the rectum and colon.

What is colorectal cancer?

Colorectal cancer is the cancer of the rectum and colon located in the lower end of the digestive tract. It affects 1 million people in India. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in men and women. Colorectal cancer starts in rectum or colon, which can spread to other organs and can damage them

What kind of pain does colon cancer cause?

Colon cancer can cause distress and pain. The cancer cell in the rectum usually develops from polyps.

The pain in colon cancer is so intense that you can't even shake your body. Pain is subjective, so how do you know the severe pain is due to colon cancer? The answer is that the pain intensity doesn't define the disease, but the duration defines it. Colon cancer causes pain, which is also colorectal cancer symptoms. Colon cancer causes pain that is so severe that it can disrupt your daily activities.

When the pain persists for more than four weeks of the same kind of pain, then you must consult a doctor at the earliest. Some type of pain that colon cancer causes are:

  • Abdominal pain – Abdominal pain or intense cramps that make you stop while walking or make you bend over to your knees are signs of colon cancer pain. Severe abdominal pain in one area or pain that spreads throughout the abdomen, then you must get yourself diagnosed with colon cancer.
  • Gas pain- Now and then, gas happens to all of us. They are caused by drinking carbonated water, eating high fiber food, or eating food after long intervals. Chronic intestinal illness or food intolerance can be a significant reason for gas pain. While there is another reason that can cause gas pain that is colon cancer. Colon cancer causes a change in bowel motility, which leads to gas build-up. It is a very common problem in most adults, so it is better to consult the best oncologist in Delhi.
  • Bleeding from the rectum that causes pain- Colon cancer symptoms are weight loss, fatigue, and even stool changes. Stool changes with rectal bleeding accompanied by pain can be a sign of colon cancer.
  • IBD pain- Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) and colorectal cancer symptoms are quite similar. IBD increases the risk of colon cancer. In this, bloody diarrhea and pain is common in IBD.
  • Pelvic pain- Pain in the pelvic area which is different from normal abdominal cramps can be a symptom of colon cancer. Pelvic pain due to colon cancer happens in an advanced stage.
  • Rectal pain- Colon cancer happens in the rectum; that's why feeling like a lump in the rectum area or rectal pain is common due to colon cancer.

Is back pain associated with colon cancer?

Pain in the lower back can be a symptom of colon cancer as colon cancer causes lower back pain. The pain associated with colon cancer happens in the cancer site and radiates to the lower back. Back pain can happen due to multiple reasons, so lower back pain doesn't always mean colon cancer. However, if the pain persists after physiotherapy, exercises, or anti-inflammatory medicines, the doctor may recommend image testing and diagnosis to identify potential cancer markers.

Colon cancer symptoms and treatment

There are numerous symptoms of colon cancer. Here are the following colorectal cancer symptoms:-

  • Persistent cramps or gas pain.
  • Rectal bleeding or bloody diarrhea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Unexplained loss of weight.
  • Abdominal discomfort, change in the habits of bowel, constipation, diarrhea, or change in the consistency of the stool.

Treatment of colon cancer

The treatment of colon cancer depends on the stage, a particular situation, and cancer location. The treatment of colon cancer generally involves the removal of cancer cells by colon cancer surgery. Here is the treatment for colon cancer:-

Surgery for colon cancer in early stage

  • Removing polyps- If the cancer is localized or small, which is contained in the polyp at a very early stage, the doctor can remove the polyp with polypectomy during colonoscopy.
  • Minimally invasive surgery- In this treatment, if the polyp is not removed during colonoscopy, then your doctor laparoscopic surgery. In this colon cancer surgery, a minimal incision is done in the abdominal wall by the surgeon.

Treatment for advanced stages

  • Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy uses drugs to reduce or destroy cancer cells. It is done after the surgery when the cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes. Chemotherapy for colon cancer destroys the cancer cells, which reduces the risk of relapse of cancer.
  • Radiation therapy- Radiation therapy for the treatment of colon cancer uses high-energy sources like protons, X-rays to kill cancer cells in the body. It is done before surgery to shrink the cancer cells, so it is removed easily with surgery.

  • When to see your doctor?

    If you notice any colorectal cancer symptoms persistent, quickly make an appointment with an oncologist. Talk to your doctor about the symptoms, and the doctor will recommend you image tests and begin screening for colon cancer. If you have a family history of cancer, then get yourself diagnosed and screened for colon cancer.


    According to data from 2009-2015, the survival rate is estimated at 63%. Colorectal cancer diagnosed earlier have a higher recovery rate. Colorectal cancer symptoms are the signs which can help you to get diagnosed with the disease in the earliest stages. Dr. Rudra is director and head of surgical oncology at Rejoice laparoscopic cancer center. He is one of the best doctors in Delhi. He has over 20 years of experience. Dr. Rudra is associated with one of the best cancer hospitals in Delhi/NCR, like Artemis hospital and Max super specialty hospital. Make an appointment with Dr. Rudra Acharya today.

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