stages of kidney cancer

Kidneys are an important organ of the human body. They remove the waste and toxins from the blood. They are a part of the urinary system. They also help regulate blood pressure and the production of RBCs (Red Blood Cells) by producing certain types of hormones. Kidney cancer is the most common type of cancer and starts in the kidney itself. The symptoms do not appear in the initial stages, but it may be otherwise in some rare cases. Like any other cancer, this cancer also develops over time. There are four stages of kidney cancer. Each step describes the location and how far the cancer has spread. The steps are explained as under:

Stage I

In this stage, cancer has not spread and remains within the kidney. It is generally less than 7 centimetres in size. Surgery is done, and the cancer is removed. After a few years of operation, there are high chances that the person will be alive, and there will be no cancer.

Stage II

The cancer is still within the kidney. It has still not spread to other distant parts of the body. The size of the cancer is increasing and is more than seven centimetres now. Even in this stage, surgery is an excellent option for a cure. After a few years of operation, the patient will have a high chance of survival.

Stage III

The cancer is no more in the kidney. But at the same time, it has not spread to distant organs of the body. It has spread to the vicinity of the kidney like the fat around the kidney, in the blood vessel, etc. surgery can still be an option to consider. The chances of survival are low but not absolute zero.

Stage IV

It is the last stage of kidney cancer. The size of the tumour is increasing, and it is very difficult to ascertain how long it is. Cancer in this stage spreads all over the body; to all the distant organs. It may spread to lymph nodes, abdominal cavity, adrenal glands, etc. It can also spread to other organs like the brain, the bones, lungs, etc. Cancer in this stage is very difficult to cure. However, some treatments can be of some help.

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