Stomach Cancer Overview

sign of colon cancer

Cancer of any type can cause chills to go down in anyone's spine. The immediate reaction is of worry, anxiety, and fear for both the patients and the family and friends. Stomach Cancer is no different. Stomach cancer can be defined as an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of mucus-producing cells in the stomach. At the very basic, cancer is an erroneous mutation of cells' DNA that keeps the cell alive for an indefinite time. As the cells do not die and continue to grow, they accumulate and form a tumor. The stomach cancer can begin in any part of the stomach. While the rate of cancer growth in the stomach body is falling, cancer in the gastroesophageal junction (meeting point of the upper stomach and esophagus) has gained popularity

The reason why people react to stomach cancer with fear and apprehension is quite understandable. A study conducted by the world health organization states that Stomach Cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer and is the third leading cancer type causing casualties. The figures are disturbing, but a better understanding of the disease, timely diagnosis, and befriending with a good and efficient doctor can significantly change the story

Dr. Rudra Acharya is one of the best oncologists in India and has accompanied numerous cancer patients during his 15 years of service in the field. With his expertise and acquaintance with the latest developments in the treatment of cancer, he has beautified the lives of his patients by early diagnosis and effective management. His compassionate attitude and impeccable knowledge in the field helps the patients to battle the disease with positivity and confidence.

Can Stomach Cancer Be Prevented?

The cause of Stomach Cancer is not clearly known, which is why it is not possible to prevent it from occurring. However, choosing healthy options and making some changes in the lifestyle can reduce the risk of stomach cancer to a remarkable extent.

  • Diet

    Say no to pickled, packed, and smoked food and crave for vegetables and fruits. Avoid food with excess salt in it. You can also switch whole grains, cereals, bread, and pasta for red meat, processed food, fish, and poultry.

  • Quit smoking

    Tobacco is known for elevating the risk of cancer for many years. Smoking can significantly put you at a higher risk of stomach cancer. You can opt for counseling or rehab for quitting smoking. Also, avoid passive smoking as much as possible.

  • Staying active

    Exercise regularly to stay fit and active. This improves your overall health and reduces the chances of stomach cancer or any related health issue.

  • Awareness about the risks of stomach cancer

    Awareness about the risks encourages people to live a healthy life and make mindful choices. Prefer talking to an expert (a doctor or oncologist) for guidance.

  • Regular checkups and screenings

    Regular screening helps in monitoring your overall health and identify early signs of Stomach Cancer. People having heredity of the disease in the family must team with a doctor and go for regular checkups, including tests like endoscopy if required.

Risk factors of stomach cancer

Several lifestyle factors and medical conditions can increase your risks and likelihood of stomach cancer

  • Medical condition

    Several medical conditions that are related to stomach like H. Pylori infection, peptic stomach ulcer, chronic atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, etc. Some genetic issues like Lynch syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, type A blood, etc. can also contribute to your risk of Stomach Cancer. It is important to understand that risk factors do not indicate that you will have the disease, and their absence does not guarantee that you can never have it.

  • Family history (stomach cancer hereditary)

    People who have the disease running in the family or have any close relatives suffering from it are at a high risk of getting it.

  • Smoking

    Smoking tobacco is one of the most common factors that are linked to cancer. It also increases the likelihood of stomach cancer.

  • Diet

    People who eat a lot of packaged, smoked, pickled, and salted food are at a higher risk of the disease. You may also be exposed to the chances of the disease if your diet has a high content of crude vegetable oil, cocoa beans, figs, and aflatoxin-containing spices.

  • Age and sex

    No definite reason can be given for this, but the chances of stomach cancer are higher in men and people above fifty years of age.

Signs and symptoms of stomach cancer

Stomach Cancer develops slowly and shows signs quite late. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Stomach pain and bloating after every meal
  • Severe heartburn that is persistent
  • Loss of appetite and vomitings
  • Persistent severe indigestion
  • Weight loss

In advanced stages, patients may also have anemia, a lumpy feeling in their stomach, and a lack of stool.

Diagnosis of stomach cancer

Stomach Cancer diagnosis begins with a clinical examination. The doctor physically checks the tenderness and lumpiness of the stomach and asks about medical history, family history, lifestyle, and visible symptoms. A blood test may be recommended to evaluate the excess of certain substances and the level of blood counts for cancer indications. If the doctor suspects cancer, he/she will perform advanced testing like endoscopy, CT scan, and barium swallow tests.

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